Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Does writing on USfreeads make money?

I've been practicing some "Bum Marketing" techniques as of late and really utilizing USfreeads. Everyone on the net is buzzing over Article writing and back linking which are great ways to make money, but everyone seems to be forgetting about another very useful method and that is Ad writing with USfreeads.

It is 10 times easier to write an AD than write an article. When you write and article you have to find a niche, actually do some very solid research on that niche or actually know what you are talking about. When you write ads, you can actually take words and phrases and pictures from the site that you are affiliated with, and slap them up on a FREE AD site, and wait for them to surface on google. You still have to find good keywords, and you still have to have good back links and such, but you dont have to write and full blown article to make money.

I can write an ad using USfreeads in about 10 minutes or so. Some take longer than others, but 10 minutes is about the average time it takes. When I write an article, it takes at least 20-25 minutes to conjure up some good reading material for my reader. Obviously writing an ad is what I'm going to want to spend more time doing, since I can get more of them out in a short amount of time. I still write articles and I write in my blog, but I really try to get as many ADs out as I can. They are just too easy, and able to generate as much money as a paid website or blog. It's that simple.

USfreeads is completely free to start writing ads. You can write two ads with the FREE version, or write UNLIMITED ADS with the premium version. I went ahead and opted for the premium because it's only $10 bucks a month, and I am able to flood the internet with all my ADS, whenever I wan't. You can do whatever your heart desires.

Do not get caught up wasting all of your precious time writing long winded articles, when you can write short, concise, tempting ADS and spit them out 3 or 4 in one sitting. I have sat down and written 10 ads in one night, and still had time to chill with the family.

It's a very good way to make extra money on the internet. Mind you, your not going to get rich by writing ADS, but you will make extra money. Enough for a car payment, or even a house payment which makes it worth it to me. I like just having a little extra dough in my pocket for those times when you just like to splurge on something.

Get an affiliate account with ClickBank right now so you can start writing ads immediately. It's free to join up with Clickbank, and you can scour their Marketplace for as long as you'd like. Create a HOPLINK to place in strategic places all over your ad, sit back and watch the money come in. It is literally that easy.

If you have any questions on how I made money, or how you can make money you can email me anytime. I don't mind letting others in on what I know. If you are just getting started with all of this "Internet Marketing" and you are lost and have no idea where to start, a good source of information is The Rich Jerk - Ebook. Although it looks like just any other ordinary ebook, let me assure you, IT IS NOT. He lays down so much good information in that book, and it's enough to get started and be confident in what you are doing. I bought it, I mean it's $10 dollars, so why not. I's already paid for itself by far. Don't be afraid to buy an ebook or two online when trying to make money with "internet Marketing". Sure, you are making someone else rich, but they will show you how they did it. Find good deals, and free deals as much as you can online. Be creative when searching google for new Internet Marketing information. Start off using USfreeads, and make a little FREE MONEY before you start investing in bigger and better ideas. Don't spend your 9-5 dead end job money on that. Wait until you've gained a little profit, and invest it back into a website, or some Adwords. You will be glad you did.

One more thing to those of you that are just getting into internet marketing. DO NOT QUIT. The begining is the worst time. You feel as though you are going nowhere for a long time. Months sometimes. I assure you it WILL pay off, just keep writing, keep typing keep plugging your blogs and your articles and you WILL make an extra income by doing so. It won't be Millions or hundreds of thousands at first, but you never know what you can make with some hard work and perseverance in "Internet Marketing".

For more information about starting your campaign with USfreeads, CLICK HERE.

For an exceptional offer on a great "Internet Marketing" resource CLICK HERE.

CLICK HERE to see another informative blog.

CLICK HERE to find any and every ebook on this subject and more at Ebay Auctions.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

"How to make Money Online - at no cost" - A USfreeads Review

Believe it or not folks, there are ways to Make Money Online - at no cost to you at all. I have been testing the waters for a while now, and here's what I've found.

Here are two ways you can quickly and easily generate an online income. And you'll be happy to know that the Google search engine loves both of these methods. Both allow you to make money online - at no cost to you whatsoever. It's awesome actually.

CLASSIFIED ADS are a very easy and popular way to make money online at no cost. And since 1999, USfreeAds makes it so so easy to set-up an account and start advertising products. Which in turn can generate a ton of money. Now, before you crazy you will have to find a product to promote and write an ad about.

There are literally thousands of companies out there that have affiliate programs, including most of the big whig companies. These are free to sign up for. Now just get links to include in your ads and you're ready to start making money online at no cost.

All you have to do is create an account at USfreeAds. Creating said account only takes a few minutes. You have a couple choices, you can use their free service or for a small fee you can upgrade your account. The upgraded account offers a lot more additional services and is well worth the small charge.

Once you have your account set up completely you are ready to start writing ads that include your affiliate link. Because of the huge amount of traffic visiting USfreeAds, you can start researching ways to get traffic to your ad. You are now on your way to making money online at no cost.

Its so easy to write small classified ads using your imagination and a couple of key paragraphs, or you can write article-length ads from 250 to 750 words. There is plenty of information online with really good advise on writing a great ad.

When visiters click on your affiliate link they are warped to a sales page about that product you are advertising. If they happen to love the product and buy it, you receive a commission. It's just that simple.

Articles are another good way to make money online at no cost to you.

You can write a a small product review about whatever it is you are advertising at USfreeAds. At the bottom of your article, you are permitted a Resource Box and in that box you can include a link to your USfreeAds page where you advertise that product.

At this point its time to submit your article to sites such as and many others.

Writing an article and posting it gets your article on an array of search engines, other websites, blogs and in ezines.

Remember that when you write your ads on USfreeAds, you can include affiliate links inside the body of your short ad or article length ad.

But you absolutely can not place affiliate links in the body of an article or in said Resource box.

If you think writing an article is way too hard, I'm here to tell you that a child can do this. It just takes some practice and imagination. As you write more and more articles, you will learn and get better each time. Do not give up. There is too much money to be made.

There is so much more to discover about USfreeAds than what I have explained here.

Yes, you can easily Make Money Online at no cost. All it takes is a little hard work and dedication on your part as you learn how to put together classified ads and how to write a good article.

Now go out and get 'em Tiger!

Check USfreeads out for yourself, sign up for free and try what I did.
Find a host of ebooks on this topic on eBay. Everything Download able.

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